Summary of files to be uploaded in Manuscript Manager when submitting an article

  1. Mandatory submission form
  2. Ethics approval letter where relevant, and/or signed patient consent
  3. Manuscript document
  4. Tables where relevant (each table as a separate Word document)
  5. Figures where relevant, uploaded in the order in which they should appear in the manuscript (each Figure as a separate high-resolution TIFF or JPEG file)
  6. Appendix or supplementary material.
  7. Excel spreadsheet with data and graphs if graphs have been generated in Excel.
  8. Submission letter; authors can use this to communicate any particular considerations or issues they wish the editor to be aware of in relation to their manuscript. The letter should state that the paper is being submitted exclusively to DHM.

Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine

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MEDLINE, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch®) and Embase/Scopus and complies with the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Recommendation for the Conduct, Report, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals. Articles from 2017 are deposited in PubMed Central.