SPUMS on behalf of Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine Journal

Who are we?

SPUMS is the leading medical society representing doctors in the field of Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine in the South Pacific region.

Full membership is open to registered medical practitioners with an interest in Diving and/or Hyperbaric Medicine. Associate membership is also open to other health-care workers, medical students, educational organisations, commercial companies in the diving and hyperbaric fields and non-medical persons. Associate members do not have voting rights.

SPUMS is a not for profit medical society with the following purposes and aims:

  1. To promote and facilitate the study of all aspects of underwater and hyperbaric medicine.
  2. To provide information on underwater and hyperbaric medicine.
  3. To promote communication between members of the Association and to publish a journal for the Association.
  4. To convene members of the Association annually at a scientific conference and to hold meetings and other functions or activities to inform, and to develop fellowship and friendship amongst members of the Association.

A full copy of the Purposes and Rules is available on the SPUMS website: Privacy Policy

Our privacy commitment to you:

Confidentiality and privacy protection is essential for health care. SPUMS is not a healthcare provider. SPUMS facilitates the exchange and sharing of scientific information between members, and provides scientific information about underwater and hyperbaric medicine, and promotes best practice in the field.

We are committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of the information we collect from members, visitors to our website, people who contact us and from our suppliers and affiliates.

SPUMS is also required to comply with applicable Commonwealth, State and Territory privacy law. Under these privacy laws, we are required to comply with a set of privacy principles. The core principles are in the Privacy Act 1988. More information about these principles and Australian privacy law can be found on the Australian Information Commissioner’s website:  www.oaic.gov.au

What information do we collect and store?

SPUMS collects personal information from members, persons enquiring or applying for membership, persons forwarding inquiries to executive committee members, and from our suppliers.

Information is mainly collected directly from the person concerned, including through emails, telephone calls, SPUMS website and mobile devices. We also collect this information from publicly available websites, directories and maps and via Facebook and other social media.

Many SPUMS medical members who have training in diving and hyperbaric medicine choose to have their name published on the SPUMS website as part of a register of doctors who perform dive medical assessments – Diving Doctors List (DDL). Members who are on the register must consent and supply the contact information that is published.

Why do we collect this information and what do we use it for?

SPUMS collects, stores and uses the information to provide services to our members, so that members can receive the scientific journal Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine  (DHM), communications and updates of medical knowledge; to communicate society activities and events including the annual scientific meeting and other educational activities.

SPUMS publishes contact information about members who choose to be included on the DDL. This information is the doctor’s name, practice address and contact details. It also includes whether or not they undertake recreational or commercial medicals and paediatric diving medical assessments. This information is required so that a member of the public can contact the member at their practice to book an appointment.

We only provide others with information that would identify you if it is necessary to provide you with the service or information that you requested, you have agreed to us providing it to them or it is already publicly available information.

We provide your information to the DHM office which is based in New Zealand, and the mailing house for DHM, to permit mailing of the journal to your preferred address, or for email communications. SPUMS does not provide your personal information to any marketing companies, or other third parties, unless permission is granted by you.

You are entitled to see what information we hold about you:

Under Australian privacy law, you have rights of access to personal information that we hold about you. These rights also include correction of any errors in this information. SPUMS members are able to access and update their own personal information that is stored on the website, including practice details. If members have any concerns or queries regarding their personal information, they should contact the SPUMS Secretary: <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>

For how long do you keep my personal information?

Your personal information is kept active for as long as your membership is active, as is reasonably required to meet your needs. SPUMS is required to maintain a registry of members under Victorian state consumer law for reporting membership numbers (deidentified) each year.

We keep membership records and other personal information on file to enable us to undertake statistical and historical analysis and reporting. Unless otherwise requested, member’s details will be destroyed within two years of membership ceasing.

How is your information stored and protected?

Information is stored in electronic systems under our control and website information with contracted data storage providers. These providers may be located outside Australia and includes Cloud storage. We take appropriate steps to protect the security of the information we hold about you, including protections against unauthorised access, virus or other electronic intrusions, fire, theft or loss. Data is regularly backed up to maintain security.

SPUMS executive and support staff are bound by strict requirements regarding confidentiality and protection of the privacy of the information we collect and hold about you.

How do I obtain more information or have a complaint about SPUMS about privacy protection?

Please contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine

is indexed on

MEDLINE, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch®) and Embase/Scopus and complies with the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Recommendation for the Conduct, Report, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals. Articles from 2017 are deposited in PubMed Central.