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Original articles
Morvan J-B, Gempp E, Rivière D, Louge P, Vallee P, Verdalle P. Perilymphatic fistula after underwater diving: a series of 11 cases. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2016 June;46(2):72-75.
Kitajima N, Sugita-Kitajima A, Kitajima S. Quantitative analysis of inner ear barotrauma using a Eustachian tube function analyzer. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2016 June;46(2):76-81.
Tikkinen J, Wuorimaa T, Siimes MA. A comparison of simple reaction time, visual discrimination and critical flicker fusion frequency in professional divers at elevated pressure. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2016 June;46(2):82-86.
Svendsen Juhl C, Hedetoft M, Bidstrup D, Jansen EC, Hyldegaard O. Decompression illness treated in Denmark 1999–2013. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2016 June;46(2):87-91.
Harvey D, Pollock NW, Gant N, Hart J, Mesley P, Mitchell SJ. The duration of two carbon dioxide absorbents in a closed-circuit rebreather diving system. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2016 June;46(2):92-97.
Sayer MDJ, Azzopardi E, Sieber A. User settings on dive computers: reliability in aiding conservative diving. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2016 June;46(2):98-110.
Case reports
Guenzani S, Mereu D, Messersmith M, Olivari D, Arena M, Spanò A. Inner-ear decompression sickness in nine trimix recreational divers. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2016 June;46(2):111-116.
Smedley BL, Gault A, Gawthrope IC. Cerebral arterial gas embolism after pre-flight ingestion of hydrogen peroxide. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2016 June;46(2):117-119.
Letters to the Editor
Moon RE. Iatrogenic cerebral gas embolism. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2016 June;46(2):119.
Frawley G. Reply: Iatrogenic cerebral gas embolism. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2016 June;46(2):120 .
Edge C. The effect of scuba diving on airflow obstruction in divers with asthma. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2016 June;46(2):120-121.
Lawrence C, Chen I. Reply: The effect of scuba diving on airflow obstruction in divers with asthma. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2016 June;46(2):121.