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Original articles
Sames C, Gorman DF, Mitchell SJ, Zhou L. The impact of diving on hearing: a 10–25 year audit of New Zealand professional divers. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2019 March 31;49(1):2–8. doi: 10.28920/dhm49.1.2-8. PMID: 30856661. PMCID: PMC6526056.
Giunta AAM, Liberati L, Pellegrino C, Ricci G, Rizzo S. Eustachian tube balloon dilation in treatment of equalization problems of freediving spearfishermen. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2019 March 31;49(1):9–15. doi: 10.28920/dhm49.1.9-15. PMID: 30856662. PMCID: PMC6526055.
Safai P, Farzaneh B, Fekrazad R. The effects of pressure in vitro on three methods of root canal obturation. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2019 March 31;49(1):16–20. doi: 10.28920/dhm49.1.16-20. PMID: 30856663. PMCID: PMC6526054.
Ascencio-Lane JC, Smart D, Lippmann J. A twenty-year analysis of compressed gas diving-related deaths in Tasmania. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2019 March 31;49(1):21–29. doi: 10.28920/dhm49.1.21-29. PMID: 30856664. PMCID: PMC6526051.
Review articles
Wilmshurst PT. Immersion pulmonary oedema: a cardiological perspective. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2019 March 31;49(1):30–40. doi: 10.28920/dhm49.1.30-40. PMID: 30856665. PMCID: PMC6526048.
Querido AL, van Hulst RA. Diving and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2019 March 31;49(1):41–47. doi: 10.28920/dhm49.1.41-47. PMID: 30856666. PMCID: PMC6526049.
Technical report
Silvanius M, Mitchell SJ, Pollock NW, Frånberg O, Gennser M, Lindén J, Mesley P, Gant N. The performance of ‘temperature stick’ carbon dioxide absorbent monitors in diving rebreathers. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2019 March 31;49(1):48–56. doi: 10.28920/dhm49.1.48-56. PMID: 30856667. PMCID: PMC6526050.
Case reports
Trevett A, Sheehan C, Wilkinson A, Moss I. Lion’s mane jellyfish (Cyanea capillata) envenoming presenting as suspected decompression sickness. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2019 March 31;49(1):57–60. doi: 10.28920/dhm49.1.57-60. PMID: 30856668. PMCID: PMC6526052.
Siaffa R, Luciani M, Grandjean B, Coulange M. Massive portal venous gas embolism after scuba diving. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2019 March 31;49(1):61–63. doi: 10.28920/dhm49.1.61-63. PMID: 30856669. PMCID: PMC6526053.
Letter to the Editor
Doolette D. Gas micronuclei that underlie decompression bubbles and decompression sickness have not been identified. 2019 March 31;49(1):64. doi: 10.28920/dhm49.1.64. PMID: 30856670. PMCID: PMC6526047 . .