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Original articles
Guan ZB, Zhou YY, Cen Y, Feng HD, Liu WW, Yi HJ, Chen H. Necrostatin-1 prolongs latency to convulsion in mice exposed to high oxygen partial pressure. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2021 June 30;51(2):134–139. doi: 10.28920/dhm51.2.134-139. PMID: 34157727.
Rocco M, Maggi L, Loffredo C, Pelli M, Di Benedetto P, Fiorelli S, Simmaco M, De Blasi RA. The impact of different gas mixtures on inflammatory responses in advanced recreational divers. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2021 June 30;51(2):140–146. doi: 10.28920/dhm51.2.140-146. PMID: 34157728.
Buzzacott P, Hornsby A, Shreeves K. Mortality rate during professionally guided scuba diving experiences for uncertified divers, 1992–2019. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2021 June 30;51(2):147–151. doi: 10.28920/dhm51.2.147-151. PMID: 34157729.
Monnot DPM, Boisvert J, Buteau D, Pollock NW. Retrospective review of enquiries to the Québec diving medicine call centre: 2004 through 2018. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2021 June 30;51(2):152–160. doi: 10.28920/dhm51.2.152-160. PMID: 34157730.
Foley K, Banham N, Bonnington S, Gawthrope I. Oxygen toxicity seizure mimics. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2021 June 30;51(2):161–166. doi: 10.28920/dhm51.2.161-166. PMID: 34157731.
Bonnington S, Banham N, Foley K, Gawthrope I. Oxygen toxicity seizures during United States Navy Treatment Table 6: An acceptable risk in monoplace chambers? Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2021 June 30;51(2):167–172. doi: 10.28920/dhm51.2.167-172. PMID: 34157732.
Cheung TK, Meintjes WAJ. The usefulness of the RSTC medical questionnaire in pre-participation health risk assessment of recreational scuba divers in Hong Kong. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2021 June 30;51(2):173–181. doi: 10.28920/dhm51.2.173-181. PMID: 34157733.
Lindfors OH, Räisänen-Sokolowski AK, Suvilehto J, Sinkkonen ST. Sinus barotrauma in diving. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2021 June 30;51(2):182–189. doi: 10.28920/dhm51.2.182-189. PMID: 34157734.
Buzzacott P, Anderson G, Tillmans F, Grier JW, Denoble PJ. Incidence of cardiac arrhythmias and left ventricular hypertrophy in recreational scuba divers. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2021 June 30;51(2):190–198. doi: 10.28920/dhm51.2.190-198. PMID: 34157735.
Review article
Kohshi K, Tamaki H, Lemaître F, Morimatsu Y, Denoble PJ, Ishitake T. Diving-related disorders in commercial breath-hold divers (Ama) of Japan. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2021 June 30;51(2):199–206. doi: 10.28920/dhm51.2.199-206. PMID: 34157736.
Case reports
Kara S, İnci1 E, Gözen ED, Gülgün KC, Yener HM. Results of hyperbaric oxygen treatment in an at-risk nasal flap following trauma. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2021 June 30;51(2):207–209. doi: 10.28920/dhm51.2.207-209. PMID: 34157737.
Valdivia-Valdivia JM, Räisänen-Sokolowski A, Lindholm P. Prolonged syncope with multifactorial pulmonary oedema related to dry apnoea training: Safety concerns in unsupervised dry static apnoea. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2021 June 30;51(2):210–215. doi: 10.28920/dhm51.2.210-215. PMID: 34157738. This article is Immediate Release.
Sümen SG, Yakupoğlu S, Gümüş T, Benzonana N. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment for toxic epidermal necrolysis: A case report. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2021 June 30;51(2):216–219. doi: 10.28920/dhm51.2.216-219. PMID: 34157739.
Mirasoglu B, Cetin H, Ozdemir Akgun S, Aktas S. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment for intrauterine limb ischaemia: A newborn in the chamber. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2021 June 30;51(2):220–223. doi: 10.28920/dhm51.2.220-223. PMID: 34157740.
Lindblom U, Tosterud C. Pulmonary barotrauma with cerebral arterial gas embolism from a depth of 0.75−1.2 metres of fresh water or less: A case report. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2021 June 30;51(2):224–226. doi: 10.28920/dhm51.2.224-226. PMID: 34157741. 
Letters to the Editor
Kot J, Winklewski PJ. Commentary on using critical flicker fusion frequency to measure gas narcosis. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2021 June 30;51(2):227-228. doi: 10.28920/dhm51.2.227-228. PMID: 34157742.
Vrijdag VCE, van Waart H, Sleigh JW, Mitchell SJ. Reply: Commentary on using critical flicker fusion frequency to measure gas narcosis. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2021 June 30;51(2):228-229. doi: 10.28920/dhm51.2.228-229. PMID: 34157743.
Schipke JD. Science and Statistics. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2021 June 30;51(2):230. doi: 10.28920/dhm51.2.230. PMID: 34157744.

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